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Make the Most of the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Dhul Hijjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar, is a time of great spiritual significance. The first ten days of this blessed month are considered the most sacred days of the year. It is a time when Muslims around the world seek to maximize their good deeds and draw closer to Allah. Here are some ways to make the most of these 10 days of Dhul Hijjah:

1. Recite Abundant Takbeer, Tahmeed, Tahleel, and Tasbeeh

During these 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, engage frequently in the remembrance of Allah. Recite:

  • Takbeer: “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest)
  • Tahmeed: “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah)
  • Tahleel: “La ilaha ill-Allah” (There is no god but Allah)
  • Tasbeeh: “SubhanAllah” (Glory be to Allah)

These phrases not only bring immense rewards but also help in purifying the heart and soul.

2. Fast the First Nine Days

Fasting is highly recommended, especially on the Day of Arafah (the 9th of Dhul Hijjah). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Fasting the Day of Arafah expiates the sins of two years: the past one and the coming one” (Muslim). Fasting these days increases one’s piety and brings immense spiritual benefits.

3. Pray All Your Prayers on Time

Ensure that you pray all the obligatory prayers on time. Punctuality in Salah is a sign of true devotion and submission to Allah. Additionally, praying in congregation, if possible, adds even more rewards.

4. Increase All Sunnah Prayers

Along with obligatory prayers, perform the Sunnah (voluntary) prayers. These include prayers like the Sunnah Mu’akkadah (emphasized Sunnah), Tahajjud (late-night prayer), and Dhuha (forenoon prayer). Increasing Sunnah prayers helps to perfect and complete any deficiencies in the obligatory prayers.

5. Seek a Lot of Forgiveness (Istighfar)

Repentance is key to attaining Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. Make it a habit to frequently say “Astaghfirullah” (I seek forgiveness from Allah) and sincerely repent for past sins.

6. Recite Abundant Salawat

Send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by reciting “Salawat”. This not only earns Allah’s blessings but also brings tranquility to the heart.

7. Make All Your Duas Each Day

These ten days are a time of acceptance of prayers. Make sincere and earnest duas (supplications) for yourself, your family, and the Ummah. Include both worldly and spiritual requests.

8. Give Charity

Charity is one of the best deeds a Muslim can perform. This Dhul Hijjah, automate your donations over the first ten days. The Muslim Food Bank offers a convenient way to donate daily through their campaign, “10 Days of Giving“. Your donations stop after 10 payments, allowing you to earn daily rewards effortlessly. Donate now at Muslim Food Bank.

9. Walk a Lot – Remembering the Hajjis

Although many of us may not be performing Hajj, we can spiritually connect with the pilgrims by increasing our physical activity, such as walking. This act can remind us of the pilgrims’ journey and their dedication.

10. Read Quran

Spend time reciting and reflecting upon the Quran. The rewards for reciting the Quran are multiplied during these blessed days. Make it a goal to read and understand its meanings.

11. Fast on the Day of Arafah

The Day of Arafah is the pinnacle of the first ten days. Fasting on this day is highly recommended. It is a day to immerse oneself in worship and make earnest duas throughout the day.

12. Perform Good Deeds

Engage in acts of kindness and charity. Helping others, smiling, and making a positive impact are all forms of good deeds that bring immense rewards.

13. Spend Time with Family

Spending quality time with family, supporting and caring for them, is a form of worship. Strengthening family bonds is encouraged in Islam.

14. Eid Sacrifice (Qurbani/Udhiya)

Perform the Qurbani (sacrifice) to commemorate the obedience of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). This act of worship is a significant tradition in Islam. You can give the gift of Qurbani locally in Canada, serving the most vulnerable through various food banks in cities such as Vancouver, Surrey, Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, Brampton, Winnipeg, Regina, and Halifax.

15. Eid ul-Adha Prayer

Participate in the Eid ul-Adha prayer and the celebration. This prayer is an important part of the Eid festivities and brings the community together in worship and gratitude.

By actively engaging in these practices, we can make the most of the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah and draw closer to Allah. These days offer a unique opportunity to earn immense rewards and purify our hearts. Let us strive to maximize our efforts and embrace the blessings of Dhul Hijjah.




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