








Building Brighter and
Better Future

Our youth support programs are designed to channel their energy in the right direction

HOPE Program

Our Helping Opportunities through Prevention and Education (HOPE) program is designed to help the youth who are struggling with drug abuse, drug addiction, behavioural challenges, depression or anxiety. In today’s time, it is very easy to go astray and lose oneself in the plethora of opportunities and differences. The HOPE program aims to provide a safe place where the youngsters who want to talk about their issues can do so freely without the fear of being judged. Our dedicated team assures full confidentiality and offers all the support they need to heal themselves and mentors the youth towards the right path.

Tutoring Program

The Tutoring program is designed to help the young people who require extra assistance to do their homework, learn a thing or two about the Canadian school system and equip them with social skills that are essential to navigate in society. From the refugees’ kids to marginalized community children our summer and fall tutoring program teach basic English and Math to children from grade 1 to grade.

This allows them and their family to communicate effectively and catch up with their peers effectively.

 Capacity Building 

We empower the youth by providing them with the right skills that are needed to thrive in their personal and professional life. We regularly partner with local organizations and offer courses and workshops on essential topics.

Soccer Training 

The soccer training is open to all youth age 6 and up. I initially got involved because we wanted to have more girls join but in spite of registration, boys are most often attending.

The training is absolutely free and is coordinated solely by volunteers including myself and to name a few others such as Br. Mohammed Amijee, Sr. Nidha Yaqub, Br. Amzad and of course Kabir Qurban.

I joined the training earlier this summer but I believe the program has been running a few years now. Because it is based completely on volunteers, there are times when our volunteers may not be available for the session and have to cancel. Apart from this, we are currently on a break from the training due to the holidays and cold weather as our field is an outdoor one.

We are currently working towards renting an indoor field for the meantime.

The goal of this program is to teach each youth the basic training of soccer and give an equal opportunity to boys and our girls. We want our youth to be able to enjoy the sport as well as be acquainted with other children in the community without the hassle of worrying about the cost of sports.

Aside from soccer we also encourage teamwork for our kids at training. 

Through this soccer training program, we also try our best to recognize when a youth has exceptional skills and include them into teams or tournaments being held in other youth organizations.

Digital Story Telling  

As the summer months approach us Muslim Food Bank is planning many events and programs, one of which is the Digital Storytelling Program. Digital Stories are short videos which allow for a more appealing delivery of a story rather than just a verbal story. Sometimes all that people need is to have their voices heard to remind them they’re not alone. One interesting story was made by a teenage Syrian refugee. This was not your average story about a teenage girl; there was nothing more powerful than the story of a girl who has seen war and managed to make it out.

The Digital Storytelling Program allowed our students to express themselves and talk about their family, friends, events, and anything they are passionate about. By helping the youth in our community gain a voice and express their passions, we allow them to be aware and open minded to what their peers are going through. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of such a program, we are looking for youth between the 12-18 that would like to have their stories heard in the form of a video this is the program for them.

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