








Inspiring Lives, One Client At A Time

By Fatema M. Dewji, ASPIRE Caseworker

Alhamdulillah (praise be to God), I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to serve as a caseworker for the Muslim Food Bank’s ASPIRE program. Today, I want to share my experiences and the impact this program has on both clients and volunteers.

Preparing to Serve

My journey began with a comprehensive one-day training session. It equipped me with the essential skills for success: active listening, empathy, and basic counseling. Interactive exercises and role-playing solidified my learning and prepared me to connect with clients on a deeper level. Additionally, monthly caseworker meetings keep me updated on resources available within the Muslim community and beyond.

Making a Difference, One Client at a Time

After completing background checks, I met my first client, a single immigrant mother raising a young daughter in Canada. Her determination to find work and reunite with her husband in Canada was truly inspiring. We explored various resources and parenting strategies, and thankfully, she found a job, allowing her to graduate from the ASPIRE program.

A Journey of Hope and Resilience

Another client’s story exemplifies the transformative power of the ASPIRE program. Witnessing war and displacement left her feeling hopeless and alone. The sudden loss of her husband only deepened her despair. However, a glimmer of hope emerged when I connected her with essential services. Slowly, she regained her footing, managing her anxiety and depression while prioritizing her children’s well-being. Her inherent strengths, coupled with the program’s support, empowered her to build a brighter future.

More Than Just Helping Clients

The ASPIRE program has enriched not only my clients’ lives but mine as well. Working with them has instilled a deeper sense of purpose and gratitude for my own blessings. It has honed my communication, leadership, and counseling skills. Most importantly, it has introduced me to extraordinary individuals who persevere despite immense challenges. These are life lessons no textbook can teach.

Are You Called to Serve?

Do you feel a desire to express your gratitude to Allah by helping others? Are you passionate about empowering Muslim newcomers to Canada? Do you enjoy meeting new people and developing valuable skills?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then consider joining the ASPIRE Caseworker program! We tackle the root causes of food insecurity, empowering individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency through education, employment, and community support.

Join the ASPIRE Team!

To learn more, call 1-866-248-3868 ext 115 or email aspire@muslimfoodbank.com.

About the Author

Fatema M. Dewji is a mom of four grown children, a certified elementary school teacher who works part-time as a caseworker. She is also a certified Peer Support Counselor and holds leadership positions within her community. Fatema enjoys volunteering, spending time with family, and pursuing her love for walking and reading.




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