








COVID-19 Crises
Response Program

The global pandemic shocked the entire world and left many helpless. From adapting to the new normal to realigning life, COVID- 19 was indeed a testing time for all. More than ever it’s an impediment that we all come forward to support each other

Food Assistance

The global pandemic has threatened the livelihood of many and hindered the economic growth of the world. From big firms to small local businesses all are struggling to make ends meet, in the need of an hour, we are providing pre-packaged essential food hampers to all those who need it. Together we can sail smoothly via unchartered territories provided we stand together as a community.

Emotional Support and Counseling

We understand how the COVID – 19 is not only detrimental to our physical health but also our emotional health. With the uncertainty surrounding us, many of us losing our dear ones, our livelihoods in danger and the lockdown situation has taken a toll on our mental health. We understand how important it is to look after one’s mental well-being in such difficult times. Hence our trained and professional caseworkers are just a call away if you or anyone you know needs them to be the torchbearers and help you navigate effectively. 

Senior Support

The senior citizens of the community are at a larger risk due to their ailing health and low immunity. To make it easier and assist the senior citizens we have a dedicated team of volunteers who can do grocery shopping for them ensuring they have all the essentials needed for the lockdown, conduct social wellness check-ins to ensure they are doing good mentally and physically.  Reach out to us if you are self-isolating or know someone who needs our assistance.

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