








Seasonal Giving: Why Food Banks Need Your Support Year-Round?

You probably think about donating during Ramadan or Hajj. While these contributions are vital, food banks like Muslim Food Bank and community services rely on your support throughout the year. 

Here’s why your continuous donations are essential.

The Unrelenting Demand

Hunger is a constant issue. In March 2023 alone, there were over 1.9 million visits to food banks across Canada, a staggering 32% increase from the previous year. While donations surge during religious seasons, the need doesn’t go away after they end. 

By giving consistently, you ensure that food banks can keep supporting families in need every day of the year.

Tackling Unexpected Crises

Economic downturns, job losses, and unexpected events can drive more people to food banks. In fiscal year 2024, Food Banks in Canada received $33.5 million in monetary donations, an 11% increase from 2023, highlighting the growing need for support. Your year-round contributions allow food banks to respond to these crises swiftly, providing essential resources when they’re needed most.

Sustaining Vital Programs

Regular donations are crucial for maintaining ongoing programs. Whether it’s offering fresh produce, running educational workshops, or distributing meal services, consistent funding is what keeps these initiatives running smoothly. With food product donations estimated at $33.4 million in 2024, the support from donors like you ensures that these programs can continue making a difference.

Bridging Seasonal Gaps

Donations tend to dip outside of key religious periods, leading to shortages. By committing to year-round support, you help food banks avoid these gaps and ensure that families continue to receive the help they need, even when it’s not the giving season.

Sadaqah Jariyah: Continuous Blessings

In Islam, Sadaqah Jariyah represents a form of charity that provides ongoing benefits. By supporting food banks consistently, you engage in Sadaqah Jariyah, helping sustain communities and creating lasting blessings for those in need throughout the year.

How You Can Make a Difference?

Consider setting up a monthly donation plan. Even small, regular contributions add up over time, providing the stability that food banks need to operate effectively. Your generosity can make an impact year-round, not just during special occasions.


Your support during Ramadan and Hajj is invaluable, but don’t underestimate the power of regular giving. By contributing throughout the year, you help food banks like Muslim Food Bank and community services provide continuous support to those in need. This ongoing commitment makes a profound difference, ensuring that families receive the help they need every day of the year.




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