








Orphans and Single Parent Support

Lets Support Orphans and Single Parents in Kenya!

Our Orphans and Single Parents Support program is dedicated to addressing the unique challenges faced by orphans and single parents. We provide mentoring and role models to guide them, offer essential life skills training and career counseling, instill values and social responsibility, and prioritize their emotional and mental well-being through counseling and community support. Our program fosters a sense of belonging through networking, promotes holistic well-being, and continuously evaluates and adapts our services. We also advocate for policies that create a more inclusive society and raise awareness about the struggles of this demographic.

Mentoring and Role Models

Engage experienced mentors who serve as positive role models for orphans and single parents.

Foster one-on-one mentorship relationships to offer guidance in various life domains.

Encourage mentors to share personal experiences, emphasizing resilience and success.

Life Skills Training

Provide workshops on essential life skills such as budgeting, time management, and household management.

Offer vocational training and career counseling to empower single parents with job opportunities.

Organize cooking, parenting, and self-care classes for practical skills development.

Values Education

Implement values-based programs to instill ethics, empathy, and respect in participants.

Organize community service projects to cultivate a sense of social responsibility.

Promote the importance of education and continuous self-improvement.

Emotional and Mental Health Support

Offer regular counseling sessions with qualified mental health professionals.

Conduct group therapy sessions to create a supportive community where participants can share experiences.

Provide resources on stress management, coping strategies, and resilience-building.

Supportive Networking

Facilitate peer support groups to create a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Establish an online platform for communication and resource-sharing among program participants.

Collaborate with local community organizations to expand the network of support.

Holistic Well-being

Encourage physical health through fitness activities and nutrition education.

Promote spiritual well-being with meditation and mindfulness practices.

Address legal and bureaucratic challenges faced by single parents, ensuring access to benefits and support.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Regularly assess the impact of the program through feedback, surveys, and progress tracking.

Adapt and improve services based on participant needs and feedback.

Celebrate success stories and achievements to inspire others.

Advocacy and Awareness

Raise awareness about the unique struggles of orphans and single parents in the community.

Advocate for policies that provide better support systems and opportunities for this demographic.

Collaborate with local authorities and organizations to create a more inclusive society.

Our visit to Anfaal Orphanage

We had a great time at Anfaal Orphanage. There was so much talent, skills, hopes to be explored. We realize the importance of mentoring or your talent.

We understand the need of aspiring them, motivating them and counselling them on whatever they want to achieve as careers in their lives.

Further, we got a chance to enhance their recitation skills, correct the way they perform Salah.

Our visit to Swabur Orphanage

We also visited Swabur orphanage where we find so much talent we just have to explored them. We provided them counselling and guided them with communication and companionship skills. They need people like you and us to light their pathways with knowledge and guidance. Let them know that, they are not going to be untold, unheard and left behind.

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