








Hunger In Canada

Right next door, at your workplace, among your friends, even within your family, people might be struggling to put enough food on the table.

8.7 Million of Canadians Affected by Food Insecurity

Many of us imagine hunger as something distant, affecting people we don't know. But the truth is, food insecurity can strike much closer to home.

Food insecurity goes beyond simply feeling hungry. It’s the ongoing struggle to reliably acquire enough affordable, nutritious food. This can have serious consequences for a person’s well-being. Physical health can suffer through malnutrition, a weakened immune system, and even chronic diseases. Mental health can also be negatively affected, leading to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. For children, food insecurity can hinder their ability to concentrate and learn in school.

Every donation, every volunteer hour, every voice raised in support brings us closer to a Canada where everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food.

The Scope of Hunger

Millions Facing Empty Plates: The Startling Numbers Behind Hunger in Canada

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Children make up a third of food bank users, despite being only a fifth of the population.

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In Canada, even a job doesn’t guarantee food security for 16% of those needing food banks.

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Food bank in Canada see a  number of single adults (43.8%) compared to their population size (29.3%).

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Seniors, historically less likely to need food banks, are now the fastest-growing user group (8%), highlighting a worrying trend.


It's a Call to Action: Only YOU Can Make a Difference