








How Monthly Donations Benefit the Community?

Monthly donations can make a big difference in your community. Last fall, an Ipsos survey by CanadaHelps found that 1 in 5 Canadians needed charitable services to meet basic needs.

By giving regularly, you support nonprofits to plan more effectively and sustainably impact the communities they serve. 

Here’s why regular donations through monthly giving are so impactful.

Consistent Support for Long-Term Projects

Your monthly giving provides a steady source of funding crucial for long-term projects. Unlike one-time donations that can fluctuate, regular monthly contributions offer financial stability. This allows organizations to plan and implement ongoing programs such as food distribution, educational support, and employment training for refugees and immigrants. 

For instance, Muslim Food Bank and Community Services rely on your consistent donations to fund initiatives supporting vulnerable communities nationwide.

Increased Impact Through Manageable Contributions

Monthly giving allows you to contribute smaller, more manageable amounts regularly, which is often more feasible for many donors. For example, a $25 monthly donation may seem modest but adds up to $300 yearly. This cumulative effect can significantly support the organization’s efforts to provide food security and other essential services.

Building Stronger Relationships with Donors

Regular donations help build stronger relationships between nonprofits and their supporters. Organizations can engage more meaningfully with you by providing regular updates and fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. 

For example, Muslim Food Bank and Community Services keep you informed about the impact of your contributions through newsletters and social media updates, enhancing donor loyalty and engagement.

Empowering Organizations to Respond Quickly to Emergencies

A steady monthly income stream allows organizations to respond more swiftly and effectively to emergencies. When disasters strike, or urgent needs arise, nonprofits with reliable funding can mobilize resources quickly. 

For instance, thanks to your ongoing support, the Muslim Food Bank and Community Services can swiftly distribute food hampers and other essential supplies to needy families during crises.

Sadaqah Jariyah: The Islamic Concept of Continuous Charity

In Islamic tradition, Sadaqah Jariyah, or continuous charity, aligns perfectly with monthly giving. Sadaqah Jariyah refers to the ongoing benefits of a charitable act, even after you have passed away. 

By committing to monthly donations, you can ensure that your contributions continue to generate blessings and positive impacts over time, supporting projects that provide lasting benefits to communities.

Muslim Food Bank Canada proudly offers the Sadaqah Jariyah Program, a way for you to make lasting contributions that benefit communities continuously. Sadaqah Jariyah, meaning continuous charity, ensures your donations generate blessings and positive impacts even after your lifetime. 

Here’s how you can get involved in our Sadaqah Jariyah projects:

1. Sponsor an Orphan

Your monthly donations can transform the lives of orphans. By sponsoring an orphan, you provide them with food, shelter, education, and emotional support. You ensure these vulnerable children receive the care and love they deserve, profoundly impacting their well-being and development.

2. Provide Clean Water

Access to clean water is a fundamental need that many communities lack. Your regular donations can help fund projects that provide clean and safe drinking water. This includes building wells, installing water filtration systems, and maintaining water sources. Clean water access improves health and hygiene and supports community growth and stability.

3. Sponsor a Family’s Meal

Many families face food insecurity daily. You regularly provide nutritious food by sponsoring a family meal. As a result, you help alleviate hunger and allow families to focus on other essential aspects of their lives, such as education and employment. Your contributions ensure that no family goes to bed hungry, fostering a more robust and healthier community.


The power of monthly giving lies in its ability to provide sustained, reliable support to charitable organizations. This enables them to plan and execute long-term projects, respond quickly to emergencies, and build stronger relationships with their donors. 

Join us in making a difference and experience the profound effects of your ongoing support. Your involvement in our Sadaqah Jariyah Program aligns with the values of continuous charity and helps build a better future for everyone.




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