








How Local Businesses Can Support Food Bank in Canada?

Food Security and Hunger are among the most critical issues in the world. The worst part is that there is a high number of food wastage worldwide. According to an estimate, around 58% of food produced in Canada goes to waste annually, which is about 3.5 million tonnes.

To avoid hunger and starvation, many individuals move to food banks to get supplies. In 2023, there were around 2 million visits to Food Banks in Canada, a 32% increase in the preceding year. What this indicates is that the situation has gotten worse.

Luckily, there are many ways local businesses can support food banks and get some benefits. Let’s look at why a local business should support Muslim Food Bank Canada and what are some ways to do so.

Why Local businesses should support Food Banks?

As a local business in Canada, supporting food banks is a compassionate act and a strategic decision that benefits both the community and your business. Here’s why you should consider it:

Social Responsibility and Community Impact:

Supporting food banks demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility. It shows that your business cares about the well-being of its neighbours. By actively participating in hunger alleviation, you strengthen community bonds and foster positive relationships with customers, employees, and other businesses.

Positive Brand Image:

Businesses that engage in social causes stand out. A positive brand image attracts loyal customers who appreciate companies making a difference. Customers share their positive experiences with socially responsible businesses, leading to organic word-of-mouth marketing.

Employee Engagement and Morale:

Encouraging employees to volunteer at food banks or participate in fundraising campaigns boosts morale. It gives them a sense of purpose beyond daily work tasks. Volunteering together fosters team spirit and strengthens internal relationships.

Tax Benefits:

In Canada, businesses receive tax incentives for charitable donations. Supporting food banks helps the community and provides financial advantages for your company. For instance, farmers in Canada get a tax credit of 25% on the wholesale value of the donated product.

Networking Opportunities:

Partnering with food banks connects you with other local organisations, government agencies, and community leaders. These networks can lead to valuable partnerships and business growth opportunities.

How can local businesses Support Food Banks?

If you are a local business owner and want to support Muslim Food Bank Canada, Here are some great ways to do so:

1. Food Donation

Donating your surplus food is one of the best to support food bank in Canada. Doing this would not only help the unfortunate but also positively impact the environment. Think about it, food wastage results in decomposition, which would harm the environment. Food banks get donations from every stage of the supply chain, including farmers, manufacturers, suppliers, transporters and suppliers, no matter what stage you are on. There is always something you can do. Want to locate a food bank near you? Check our locations below:

2. Motivate Employees to offer their Talent to Food Banks

You can motivate your employees to participate in food bank volunteering programs. By offering their skills and time, they can help in the overall operations of food banks. You can also get bonuses or rewards for employees who participate in such noble work.

3. Invest in Hunger Alleviation

Despite the advancements, we see in the agricultural sector to enhance overall growth output. We continue to see that millions of people go to bed without food. Investing with food banks shows your commitment to hunger alleviation and the United Nations’s sustainable development goals.

4. Establish Partnerships with Food Banks

By partnering with food banks, you can help them distribute food, run new campaigns and programs to reach out to the unfortunate and provide them with basic needs. Collaboration with food banks would make you aware of the hunger situation, and you can devise ways to support the needy.

5. Create a Foodbank Hashtag to increase the impact

Start a foodbank hashtag and encourage your employees to do the same. Your employees can share their pictures while volunteering at the food bank. Doing this would attract other businesses and individuals to do the same, and there would be a great movement for the greater good.

Above are some of the great ways of supporting food banks. We encourage you to donate to your own Muslim Food Bank Canada and support us in our noble cause. Every penny matters, it’s up to you, you can make daily/weekly or monthly donation to alleviate hunger and provide shelter to the homeless.




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