A Guide to Understanding and Invoking Divine Attributes
The 99 Names of Allah (Asma ul Husna) are the beautiful and perfect names by which Allah (God) reveals Himself in the Quran and Islamic tradition. These names encompass the entirety of Allah’s essence, encompassing His power, mercy, forgiveness, and all other divine attributes. Understanding and invoking these names is considered a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith and practice.
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of these names in a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah:
- “There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd numbers.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)
List of the 99 Names of Allah With Meaning:
# | Name | Transliteration | Meaning |
1 | الرَّحْمَنُ | AR-RAHMAAN | The Beneficent |
2 | الرَّحِيمُ | AR-RAHEEM | The Merciful |
3 | الْمَلِكُ | AL-MALIK | The King |
4 | الْقُدُّوسُ | AL-QUDDUS | The Most Sacred |
5 | السَّلاَمُ | AS-SALAM | The Source of Peace, The Flawless |
6 | الْمُؤْمِنُ | AL-MU’MIN | The Infuser of Faith |
7 | الْمُهَيْمِنُ | AL-MUHAYMIN | The Preserver of Safety |
8 | الْعَزِيزُ | AL-AZIZ | All Mighty |
9 | الْجَبَّارُ | AL-JABBAR | The Compeller, The Restorer |
10 | ُالْمُتَكَبِّر | AL-MUTAKABBIR | The Supreme, The Majestic |
11 | الْخَالِقُ | AL-KHAALIQ | The Creator, The Maker |
12 | الْبَارِئُ | AL-BAARI | The Evolver |
13 | الْمُصَوِّرُ | AL-MUSAWWIR | The Fashioner |
14 | الْغَفَّارُ | AL-GHAFFAR | The Constant Forgiver |
15 | الْقَهَّارُ | AL-QAHHAR | The All-Prevailing One |
16 | الْوَهَّابُ | AL-WAHHAAB | The Supreme Bestower |
17 | الرَّزَّاقُ | AR-RAZZAAQ | The Provider |
18 | الْفَتَّاحُ | AL-FATTAAH | The Supreme Solver |
19 | اَلْعَلِيْمُ | AL-‘ALEEM | The All-Knowing |
20 | الْقَابِضُ | AL-QAABID | The Withholder |
21 | الْبَاسِطُ | AL-BAASIT | The Extender |
22 | الْخَافِضُ | AL-KHAAFIDH | The Reducer |
23 | الرَّافِعُ | AR-RAAFI’ | The Exalter, The Elevator |
24 | الْمُعِزُّ | AL-MU’IZZ | The Honourer, The Bestower |
25 | ٱلْمُذِلُّ | AL-MUZIL | The Dishonourer |
26 | السَّمِيعُ | AS-SAMEE’ | The All-Hearing |
27 | الْبَصِيرُ | AL-BASEER | The All-Seeing |
28 | الْحَكَمُ | AL-HAKAM | The Impartial Judge |
29 | الْعَدْلُ | AL-‘ADL | The Utterly Just |
30 | اللَّطِيفُ | AL-LATEEF | The Subtle One, The Most Gentle |
31 | الْخَبِيرُ | AL-KHABEER | The All-Aware |
32 | الْحَلِيمُ | AL-HALEEM | The Most Forbearing |
33 | الْعَظِيمُ | AL-‘AZEEM | The Magnificent, The Supreme |
34 | الْغَفُور | AL-GHAFOOR | The Great Forgiver |
35 | الشَّكُورُ | ASH-SHAKOOR | The Most Appreciative |
36 | الْعَلِيُّ | AL-‘ALEE | The Most High, The Exalted |
37 | الْكَبِيرُ | AL-KABEER | The Most Great |
38 | الْحَفِيظُ | AL-HAFEEDH | The Preserver |
39 | المُقيِت | AL-MUQEET | The Sustainer |
40 | اﻟْﺣَسِيبُ | AL-HASEEB | The Reckoner |
41 | الْجَلِيلُ | AL-JALEEL | The Majestic |
42 | الْكَرِيمُ | AL-KAREEM | The Most Generous, The Most Esteemed |
43 | الرَّقِيبُ | AR-RAQEEB | The Watchful |
44 | ٱلْمُجِيبُ | AL-MUJEEB | The Responsive One |
45 | الْوَاسِعُ | AL-WAASI’ | The All-Encompassing, the Boundless |
46 | الْحَكِيمُ | AL-HAKEEM | The All-Wise |
47 | الْوَدُودُ | AL-WADUD | The Most Loving |
48 | الْمَجِيدُ | AL-MAJEED | The Glorious, The Most Honorable |
49 | الْبَاعِثُ | AL-BA’ITH | The Infuser of New Life |
50 | الشَّهِيدُ | ASH-SHAHEED | The All Observing Witnessing |
51 | الْحَقُ | AL-HAQQ | The Absolute Truth |
52 | الْوَكِيلُ | AL-WAKEEL | The Trustee, The Disposer of Affairs |
53 | الْقَوِيُ | AL-QAWIYY | The All-Strong |
54 | الْمَتِينُ | AL-MATEEN | The Firm, The Steadfast |
55 | الْوَلِيُّ | AL-WALIYY | The Protecting Associate |
56 | الْحَمِيدُ | AL-HAMEED | The Praiseworthy |
57 | الْمُحْصِي | AL-MUHSEE | The All-Enumerating, The Counter |
58 | الْمُبْدِئُ | AL-MUBDI | The Originator, The Initiator |
59 | ٱلْمُعِيدُ | AL-MUEED | The Restorer, The Reinstater |
60 | الْمُحْيِي | AL-MUHYI | The Giver of Life |
61 | اَلْمُمِيتُ | AL-MUMEET | The Creator of Death |
62 | الْحَيُّ | AL-HAYY | The Ever-Living |
63 | الْقَيُّومُ | AL-QAYYOOM | The Sustainer, The Self-Subsisting |
64 | الْوَاجِدُ | AL-WAAJID | The Perceiver |
65 | الْمَاجِدُ | AL-MAAJID | The Illustrious, the Magnificent |
66 | الْواحِدُ | AL-WAAHID | The One |
67 | اَلاَحَدُ | AL-AHAD | The Unique, The Only One |
68 | الصَّمَدُ | AS-SAMAD | The Eternal, Satisfier of Needs |
69 | الْقَادِرُ | AL-QADEER | The Omnipotent One |
70 | الْمُقْتَدِرُ | AL-MUQTADIR | The Powerful |
71 | الْمُقَدِّمُ | AL-MUQADDIM | The Expediter, The Promoter |
72 | الْمُؤَخِّرُ | AL-MU’AKHKHIR | The Delayer |
73 | الأوَّلُ | AL-AWWAL | The First |
74 | الآخِرُ | AL-AAKHIR | The Last |
75 | الظَّاهِرُ | AZ-ZAAHIR | The Manifest |
76 | الْبَاطِنُ | AL-BAATIN | The Hidden One, Knower of the Hidden |
77 | الْوَالِي | AL-WAALI | The Sole Governor |
78 | الْمُتَعَالِي | AL-MUTA’ALI | The Self Exalted |
79 | الْبَرُّ | AL-BARR | The Source of All Goodness |
80 | التَّوَابُ | AT-TAWWAB | The Ever-Pardoning |
81 | الْمُنْتَقِمُ | AL-MUNTAQIM | The Avenger |
82 | العَفُوُ | AL-‘AFUWW | The Pardoner |
83 | الرَّؤُوفُ | AR-RA’OOF | The Most Kind |
84 | َمَالِكُ ٱلْمُلْكُ | MAALIK-UL-MULK | Master of the Kingdom, Owner of the Dominion |
85 | ذُوالْجَلاَلِ وَالإكْرَامِ | DHUL-JALAALI WAL-IKRAAM | Lord of Glory and Honour, Lord of Majesty and Generosity |
86 | الْمُقْسِطُ | AL-MUQSIT | The Just One |
87 | الْجَامِعُ | AL-JAAMI’ | The Gatherer, the Uniter |
88 | ٱلْغَنيُّ | AL-GHANIYY | The Self-Sufficient, The Wealthy |
89 | ٱلْمُغْنِيُّ | AL-MUGHNI | The Enricher |
90 | اَلْمَانِعُ | AL-MANI’ | The Withholder |
91 | الضَّارَ | AD-DHARR | The Distresser |
92 | النَّافِعُ | AN-NAFI’ | The Propitious, the Benefactor |
93 | النُّورُ | AN-NUR | The Light, The Illuminator |
94 | الْهَادِي | AL-HAADI | The Guide |
95 | الْبَدِيعُ | AL-BADEE’ | The Incomparable Originator |
96 | اَلْبَاقِي | AL-BAAQI | The Everlasting |
97 | الْوَارِثُ | AL-WAARITH | The Inheritor, The Heir |
98 | الرَّشِيدُ | AR-RASHEED | The Guide, Infallible Teacher |
99 | الصَّبُورُ | AS-SABOOR | The Forbearing, The Patient |
Meanings and Attributes (اَلاسْمَاءُ الْحُسناى):
Each name of Allah reveals a specific aspect of His divine nature. The Quran and Hadith provide numerous references that illustrate these attributes.
For example, the name Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful) is mentioned in the opening verse of many Quranic chapters, highlighting Allah’s universal mercy that encompasses all beings.
Stories from Islamic tradition further illustrate these names. Prophet Jonah’s (peace be upon him) experience in the belly of the whale exemplifies Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiver), demonstrating Allah’s limitless capacity to forgive those who repent sincerely.
"Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names." (Qur'an 20:8)
Benefits of Knowing and Invoking the 99 Names Of Allah:
Knowing and invoking the Names of Allah offers a multitude of benefits:
- Deepens one’s relationship with Allah: By understanding His attributes, believers can cultivate love, reverence, and trust in Him.
- Enhances spiritual growth: Contemplating the Names encourages introspection and helps believers live according to Allah’s will.
- Promises rewards and blessings: Hadith mentions Paradise for those who memorize the Names, and numerous Quranic verses highlight the rewards of calling upon Allah by His beautiful names.
Methods of Invocation and Dhikr:
Incorporating the Names into daily life is a form of dhikr (remembrance). Here are some methods:
- Supplications: Use specific Names for various needs, such as “Ya Rahman” (Oh Most Merciful) for seeking forgiveness or “Ya Razzaq” (Oh Provider) for sustenance.
- After Prayers: Regularly recite specific sets of Names after obligatory prayers.
- During Difficulties: Invoke Names like Al-Hafiz (The Preserver) during times of distress for comfort and protection.
Reflection and Contemplation:
- Journaling prompts: Reflect on the meaning of each Name and how it relates to your life. For example, for Al-Adl (The Just), consider how you can embody justice in your daily interactions.
- Further study: Explore resources like books and online courses to delve deeper into the 99 Names of Allah PDF and their significance.
Beyond Food: A Holistic Approach
The 99 Names encompass not just physical well-being but also mental and spiritual health. Studies acknowledge the positive impact of faith on mental health. MFBCS recognizes this connection by incorporating emotional support, counseling, and capacity building into its programs. By strengthening mental and spiritual well-being alongside food security, MFBCS fosters a holistic approach to community development.
Connecting with the Divine Through Action
Contemplating the Names of Allah is not a passive exercise. It’s a call to action, a reminder of our responsibility towards our fellow human beings. By supporting MFBCS, you are not just helping those in need; you are actively embodying the beautiful attributes of Allah. You are extending a hand of mercy (Ar-Rahman), ensuring provision (Al-Razzaq), promoting justice (Al-Adl), and empowering individuals (Al-Qawi) – all while fostering a community that reflects the compassion and love Allah SWT teaches us.
Join us in this journey of understanding and action. Explore the 99 Names with newfound purpose, and let them guide you towards supporting MFBCS’s vital work in creating a world free from hunger and social injustice.