








Resilient Community

We offer holistic support to make our community resilient today and tomorrow.

Putting People at the centre to solve community issues

Food Bank Operations

The right to food is a fundamental human right. We seek to make Canada a stronger, more nourished place where no one has to worry about where their next meal will come from. Our foodbank operations are designed to provide both perishable and nonperishable essentials to deserving people.

Aspire Programs

“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime”. We strongly believe that to make Canada resilient, we not only have to focus on short term support. Rather, long term support is necessary. Through our ASPIRE program, we equip the individual with the right resources to lead a dignified life.

Youth Support Programs

The future of the country lies in the hands of the young generation. They are the leaders and torchbearers. Our Youth Support Program is designed to ensure that the youth is catered to and mentored to reach their full potential.

Community Uplifting and Empowering Programs

We have a vast range of programs that are designed specifically to empower our community such as senior support programs, table of mercy and disaster relief programs.

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